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Dorkbot Sydney 2015: Hacking the Wireless World with SDR 2.0+ (short version)
Manly-Warringha Radio Society: Hacking the Wireless World with SDR & ISEE-3
Ruxcon 2011: Hacking the wireless world with Software Defined Radio
Rick Rolling the Wireless Mic at Black Hat Asia 2015
DEF CON 22 WiFi Hacking Village Presentation 18 SDR Tricks with the hackrf
SDR HackRf: Home Insecurity: No Alarms, False Alarms, and SIGINT
More SDR dongle stuff
DCIM Camera VID 20161026 195246 395
How to hack a wifi (wireless) / comment piraté un wifi 2015
Hackers are using the new method to hack any computer even it is Air-gapped system.
Airborne capturing of RF in the Bay Area/SF with SDR